Archive for the tag: Types

Blood Types, Blood Group Systems and Transfusion Rule, Animation

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(USMLE topics) Cellular basis of blood groups including ABO, Rh (Rhesus) and other less known systems, why blood typing is important in blood transfusion.
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A blood type refers to the PRESENCE or ABSENCE of a certain marker, or ANTIGEN, on the surface of a person’s red blood cells. For example, in the ABO system, presence of A or B antigen gives type A or B, presence of both antigens gives type AB, while their ABSENCE gives type O.
Blood typing is critical for blood transfusion, as there are very SPECIFIC ways in which blood types must be MATCHED between the donor and recipient for a safe transfusion. The rule is simple: patients should NOT be given antigens that their own blood does NOT have. This is because the recipient’s immune system may recognize any “NEW” antigen as “FOREIGN” and develop antibodies to target it for destruction. Depending on the scale of the triggered immune response, the reaction can be serious or fatal.
Applying the rule, a type A patient, who is NEGATIVE for B antigen, can only receive blood from type A and type O donors, whose blood does NOT contain B antigen. A type AB patient, having both antigens, can receive blood from anyone, while a type O person, being NEGATIVE for both A and B, can only receive from type O donors, but can give blood to anyone.
Another important system is the Rh system, for which, D antigen, or Rh factor, is best known. The blood type for this antigen can be either Rh-positive or Rh-negative. By the same rule, a Rh-negative patient canNOT receive blood from a Rh-positive donor, while the reverse direction is fine.
Each of the 4 types of the ABO system can be Rh-positive or negative. This gives 8 possible combinations – the 8 basic blood types everyone knows about.
But ABO and Rh are only a FRACTION of the 35 currently known blood group systems, many of which can cause serious reactions during transfusion if mismatched. Altogether there are HUNDREDS of antigens, giving rise to a gigantic number of possible blood types. A fully specified blood type should describe the COMPLETE SET of antigens that a person has. In theory, this list must be determined for both donor and recipient before a transfusion can take place. In reality, however, most people only need to care about their ABO type and Rh factor.
The ABO and Rh systems are the most important in blood transfusion for 2 reasons. First, most people can produce ROBUST antibodies against A, B and D antigens, which may NOT be the case for other antigens. In fact, anti-A and anti-B antibodies are usually developed during the first year of life. Second, the 8 basic blood types are distributed in comparable proportions that make mismatching a likely event. Most other antigens occur at such frequencies that ONLY a VERY SMALL subset of patients is potentially at risk. For example, if 99.99% of a population is positive for a certain antigen and only 0.01% is negative, only that tiny fraction of negative patients is at risk regarding that antigen. To account for possible INcompatibility OUTSIDE ABO and Rh, an ADDITIONAL test is usually made before transfusion. A blood sample from the patient is mixed with a sample of donor blood and the mixture is examined for CLUMPS. No clumping means a compatible match.

In this video, Dr Mike explains the different ABO blood types and discusses who can give and receive blood in transfusions.

Why do blood types matter? – Natalie S. Hodge

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Dig into the 4 main blood types — A, B, AB, and O — and find out why some bloods can mix while others cannot.

It’s often said that despite humanity’s many conflicts, we all bleed the same blood. It’s a nice thought, but not quite accurate. In fact, our blood comes in a few different varieties. Natalie S. Hodge defines the four major blood types and sheds light on why some bloods can mix while others cannot.

Lesson by Natalie S. Hodge, animation by Brad Purnell.

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Blood Types Explained | Blood Groups (ABO) and Rh Factor Nursing Transfusions Compatibility

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Blood typing made easy with explanation on ABO blood groups and Rh factor for nurses (blood transfusions).

There are 8 total blood types from four blood groups (A, B, AB, O). In nursing we transfuse blood, but before we do this we have to collect blood from the patient who will be receiving the blood transfusion. The patient’s blood will be typed and crossmatched with a donor. The donor’s blood must be compatible with our patient to prevent a transfusion reaction.

To understand blood typing, you have to understand the relationship between antigens and antibodies.

What are red blood cell antigens? They are either present or absent on the surface of RBC. All red blood cells have them EXCEPT Type O RBCs. Antigens are proteins that can elicit an immune response when they come into contact with its corresponding antibodies. Therefore, they stimulate antibodies to defend the body.

So, when the same red blood cell antigens and antibodies get together it will cause an IMMUNE RESPONSE called agglutination. This is where the RBCs will glue together, hence clump together. Therefore, it is VERY important a person is not transfused with the wrong blood type.

Blood Types: Recipient and Donor

A blood type: has only A antigens on its surface with B antibodies in the plasma.

Type A: donates to A and AB and recipient of O and A

B blood type: has only B antigens on its surface with A antibodies in the plasma.

Type B: donates to B and AB and recipient of O and B

AB blood type: has both A and B antigens on its surface with NO antibodies in it plasma.

Type AB: donates to only other ABs but recipient of O, A, B, and AB…known as the “UNIVERSAL RECIPIENT”

O blood type: has NO antigens on its surface with A and B antibodies in its plasma.

Type O: donates to all types but only recipient of other O….known as the “UNIVERSAL DONOR”.

Rh factors: either present or absent on the red blood cells surface.

If these factors are present on the RBC the patient is Rh POSTIVIE, but if these factors are absent the patient is Rh NEGATIVE.

If a patient is Rh positive they can receive either Rh+ or RH- blood. While Rh negative patients can receive only Rh- blood.

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