URINE COLOUR AND SMELL IN DIABETES. When to be worried? - Dr. Leela Mohan P V R | Doctors' Circle

Dr. Leela Mohan P V R | Appointment booking number : 9019888883
Consultant Internal Medicine | Padithem Health Care HSR Layout, Bangalore
So urine is very frequent in diabetes we’ll call it as frequency in urine and sometimes if the blood if it is associated with the urine that will call it as hematuria or other symptoms. As I told you like polydipsia. All those things when polydipsia increases the urine frequency will increase in a person in diabetes usually what happens is the urine will turn into sweet like a sweet odour it will be there where it will attract the hands all the other things usually in the previous eras of our life. When there are no techniques to find out doctors used to ask the patients to give a urine sample and urine sample was left outside and then the ants come and take over it and so that is how they found out that person is having basically diabetes. So what is the odour is a sweetie order which will attract it is like basically the complete uh glucose like sweet odour. So basically in the urine what happens the excess glucose which is produced so diabetes is nothing but due to beta cell destruction and insulin resistance. The glucose flows in the urine. So the body tries to get rid of the glucose, so the glucose is passed in the urine so that reason the urine odour or the taste of the urine will be very sweet.
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